Niels Weijer
arm dances

acrm dances is a performance about gestures, renaissance sculptures, giving care, and trust. These seemingly different concepts find each other in the dancing with a large arm object. Five dancers shift between being metaphors for fingers, to parts of a tableau vivant into the working force at a museum putting up a sculpture. This performance isn’t about clear statements, it isn’t about the history of dance nor sculpture. It is about five dancers finding stories together, meaning to their movement and trust in each other.

30 min.

Premiere, Kiez Kapelle, Berlin, 25/09/2022

concept, choreography niels weijer
dance camille chapon, daniel conant, michela filzi, laura guintoli, niels weijer
dramaturgy mike o'connor
costumes magdalena stüve
production michela filzi
made possible by nationaler performance netz

Unterstuetzt durch das NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ - STEPPING OUT, gefuordert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung fuer Kultur und Medien im Rahmen der Initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Hilfsprogramm Tanz.

Five Gestures a text by beatrix joyce

Arm dances a text by mike o'connor

© Malina Daut

© Malina Daut

© Malina Daut

© Malina Daut

© Malina Daut

© Malina Daut

© Malina Daut

© Malina Daut
© 2020 Niels Weijer